Association of Investment Professionals in the Netherlands
My membership

Committee Responsible Investing

The mission of the Committee Responsible Investing (CRI) is to integrate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations and information in the investment process. CRI promotes the inclusion of ESG in education programs at various levels.
CRI has had on average 8 members since the committee was founded in 2000. This number has increased to 14 members due to the increased interest in ESG. A group of 12-14 allows members to be a bit less active during a limited period, for example when transferring to another job. It also provides the opportunity to have a broader stakeholder representation and it increases the network of CRI in times that most members work from home.

CRI organizes 2-3 events every year, preferably in cooperation with another committee as the events aim to provide practical steps for ESG integration. After every event, CRI aims to publish an article. The EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan and EU Taxonomy will be topics for CRI events in the coming period.

CRI holds committee meetings or conference calls 6 times per year on average. It aims to have meetings before the New Year event, the Annual Dinner and its own events. The committee has been approached to advise regarding regulations applicable to ESG matters on several occasions.


Robert Klijn RBA Marianne Bruin Nadja Franssen Martijn Huijnen Michael Marabini Hilde Veelaert
David Richert Sophie Robé Willem Tielenius Kruythoff Som Toohey Jurgen Veenker Berrie Verwey
Ridzert van der Zee Ton Schrijen CFA, CAIA Pascal Boots Rutger Maenen CEFA Guido Vessaz Rogier Crijns
Amir Moradi



A selection of interesting links curated by the RI Committee to articles/publications.

Please contact a member of the committee with your suggestions for additions. If one of the links stops working, please let us know too.

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